Archive for the ‘Etherbooks’ Category

About The Lack Of Posts Lately

September 29, 2007

I feel like I’ve been doing a poor job of updating the blog lately. The posts have been going up nearly daily, but they’ve typically been short and none too interesting. For that, I apologize.

I’m not sure why I’ve been having trouble lately. I keep thinking of things to write about and forgetting them before I get the chance. But I am going to start doing a few things to make up for it. The biggest one is to work on writing up pieces about the background of the Etherbooks project for my other blog. It is a pretty easy source of material for now, so keep an eye on that site.

I’ll also try to write a lot when I have the ideas and save some of the drafts for times like now, when the writing is scarce. Finding some guest bloggers might not be bad either.

Thanks for your patience!

The Past Few Days

September 26, 2007

I haven’t posted for two days, apparently, and that seems to be worrying some people. This goes out to you.

First of all, I haven’t been feeling well. It’s nothing more then a minor cold sort of thing, but on top of the recent heat we’ve had, it’s left me wanting badly to just lay down and pass out.

In addition, a friend of mine has recently been going through a tough time. It’s not anything I can really talk about, here or in private, but it has been weighing on my thoughts lately. Taken together, those are the reasons I haven’t been writing.

Now, to the future! I am happy to share some news with you that I’ll also be posting to my new Etherbooks blog. The final book is officially out and on its way. I got word from the professor that she received it, and would add something and pass it this weekend. So I am excited. That makes three confirmed to be on in circulation, with the other two presumed to be, you know, out there. I don’t have them, anyway.

Thats all for tonight. See you tomorrow!